How To Start Poultry Farming In Nigeria
To Start a poultry farm in Nigeria is super easy and lucrative irrespective of your low-budget or lack of knowledge. You
don’t need to be a graduate to do this business, neither would you need a year training to be equipped. Poultry
farming is one of the easiest and lucrative livestock farming out there. The benefits of this business are in tons and
I’m definitely not kidding. What prompted this post was when a good friend of mine talked about diving into
poultry, but fears he will fail due to lack of experience. You don’t need any degree to do this business, you don’t
even need anything at all. Poultry farming is being ventured into by few, and believe me, they aren’t producing to
meet market demand. You going out there to fill that gap will certainly make you huge cash at the end.
Benefits of poultry
1. Rich in protein – Chicken is one of the most sought after white meat and will continue to be as long as meats are
consumed. It’s rich in protein for healthy mind and’s essential for growth and body development, not
discarding the fact that its consumption multiplies by ten during festive periods or special occasions as long as
Africa is concerned. Everyone is a potential customer and that alone makes the market a huge one. There are
restaurants, eateries fast foods joints that will be more than glad to get someone who’s read to supply these
chickens. This is just a tip of the iceberg.
2. Chicken grows fast – If there’s a livestock that grows the fastest, I will give it to chicken. Within 21 days, the eggs
have already hatched. Give them 28 weeks more, they are ready to tour round the market and make cash for you.
This means that you’ll be recovering your capital and counting your gains within 28 weeks of starting up.
3. Large Market – The demand for chicken will never diminish. Instead, it’s fast growing beyond what could be
predicted. Here in Nigeria, a crate of smaller eggs is N1,200 while the bigger ones will go for N1,500. Pretty huge
huh.! Let’s do another maths. A 7-week broiler sells for N2000.00 to N3000.00. A broiler aged 12 weeks and above
will sell for N4000 to N3000. calculate it by the approximate number of chickens, you’ll be counting 6 figures and
above after sale.
4. Egg market – Apart from the chicken, the egg is another money making machine of its own. The price of egg is
high above the ceiling, that gives more reasons why this business should be given a second thought.
The benefits of poultry farming is uncountable.
How do one set up a poultry farm? What are the requirements?
1.Business plan – This is definitely the first step that should be taken before every other thing. You need to put lots
of things into consideration before setting out. For instance, the type of birds to rear. Let’s presume it’s chicken
cause that’s the focus of this article. For chicken, you’ll have to decide which aspect that might work for you. Will
you go for broilers (meat production), Layers (egg production), Hatchery (hatching new chicks) or poultry feed
making? Depending on your capacity and ability, you can rear both broilers and layers at the same time. But the
same can’t be for hatchery. Choose your area of interest and kick off.
2. Get a land – Once your business plan have been done with, then it’s time to get a land and be down to business.
The location of the site shouldn’t be far away from the city. There have to be easy access to market. If you don’t
have a land of your own, buying a land or using a little space in your compound is advisable provided it doesn’t
cause any disturbance to the environment.
3. Getting a structure – Structure is another important aspect. Here in Nigeria, the most popular is Deep litter, Half
litter and half slats, Battery and Semi-fold. Your finance might decide the type to go for.
4. A day chicks – The last step will be buying a day chicks for rearing. Make sure you buy from a healthy poultry
farm and that it’s breeds are of high yield and quality. After 28 days, you’ll be able to recover more than the
amount invested.
Cost of setting up a poultry farm
Small scale poultry farm at the back of your resident, with over 30 birds will take about N40,000 to start.
A medium poultry farm, with land and structure, with numerous other materials will take about N500,000 and
above to start up.
Large scale or intensive poultry farming that requires high level of professionalism and expertise will take over N50
million to set up.
Below are items you will need to kick off fully.
Feeders, Drinkers, Perches. Nests, Crates, Lighting system, Waste disposal system, Incubator, Heaters or brooders,
Egg tray, Cages and coops.
Poultry business in Nigeria is fun and it exposes you to nature and to yourself. As you go on in this business, you
will get to know more on what works and what doesn’t. Finance should never be a problem, no matter how little,
you can always grow from there.
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